The little church in the meadow in

Duck Creek Village, Utah.

DCCC Alms raised $1200 through hosting a Hawaiian-themed lunch held on August 11, 2024, in the Fellowship Hall. Church members contributed various dishes, appetizers, and desserts. No one walked away hungry! Church goers donated $20 per person to enjoy this fabulous lunch. All monies raised help to support this year's projects benefitting seniors, families, and various worthwhile community charitable endeavors. The Alms project is led by DCCC Board member Cathy Riley and DCCC member and Sunday School Leader Pam Bugbee.

Please click "play" arrow to watch Stix.


Donations to the church may be sent in the form of personal checks or online through Paypal at the link in red below. Please make checks payable to DCCC and mail via United States Postal Service to: HC 82 Box 1017 Duck Creek Village UT 84762-8200.   To donate through Paypal, simply click on the link below or paste it into your web browser should you wish to give to DCCC:

Thank you for visiting the DCCC Online Church page! 



John 12: 23-26:  Jesus replied, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life. Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.

John 12: 23-26: Jesus replied, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life. Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.

Prayer by Pastor Steve Baden: For Help During COVID-19 Pandemic

Billy Graham once said, “Prayer is more than a wish; it is the voice of faith directed to God.”

Prayer is our way of connecting to Him.  Heaven must be full of answers to prayers for which no one has ever bothered to ask.

There are no exact words we need to say when we pray.  We talk to God like we would to a friend.  We tell him exactly how we’re feeling and what may be upsetting to us.  We can tell him how scared we may be, how angry we may have become, how lonely we are, even how depressed or anxious we are.

Remember, there is Someone who cares about our heart and soul and what we are currently experiencing - and that Someone loves us more than we can possibly imagine.

Let’s connect with Him now:

Heavenly Father, we are so dependent upon You.  This virus reminds us of just how frail we are.

During His time on earth, your Son showed Your power and compassionate love by healing people of physical, mental and spiritual ailments.  Be with us now and all those dear to us who need Your loving touch.  May we feel Your power of healing within us.

And we pray for all who are affected.  Take our fears, anxieties, and feelings of isolation – giving us all a sense of purpose in pursuing health as we protect others from exposure to this disease.  Protect our families and friends and bring us healing and peace.

And as families adjust to being home with one another during this closure of businesses and schools, guide Your people in these new realities.  May spouses treat each other with grace and love.  May tired parent speak words of kindness and encouragement to their children.  Help children everywhere to find creative ways to experience the beauty of all that You have created as they continue to learn.

Father God, it can be scary and overwhelming not knowing how bills and obligations will be met and we may wonder how we are to provide for our families.  As we feel the strain, bring comfort and peace, reminding us that You are always with us – in whatever situation we may be in, wherever we might be.  Please provide for all who are in need.

As we endure this new normal in our lives, we earnestly pray for the doctors, nurses, and health care professionals who put their very lives at risk for their neighbors.  Give them strength and keep them safe so they might push back against this virus.

We pray for all who are working on vaccines and testing.  Thank You for gifting them with knowledge and wisdom.  We pray that they will endure as they seek breakthroughs in their work.

Lord, You are our Great Physician.  Bless all who need healing from this disease.  And as our Great Comforter, we pray that You will comfort troubled hearts everywhere.

We pray for the people of this great nation, and the people of the world.  We pray that You will guide our President, our Congress and all officials that they will lead with wisdom and strength and discernment.  We pray that they will communicate clearly, truthfully, and calmly – with each other and with the public, that their messages are received and heeded.  May truth and empathy be at the forefront as they set policies for our protection.

And Lord, everything is in your control, so we ask that you will keep this virus from spreading.  You are our Refuge and Strength, our ever-present Help in time of trouble.

We give thanks for your great love and mercy.  As we approach the Easter season, we give thanks for the hope we find in Your Son, Jesus Christ – and in His most holy name we pray.  Amen.


Brian Dugan

30.06.2021 21:37

I am just checking to make sure your services are Sunday's at 11am correct?
Are you still requiring masks?

Laurel, Worship Leader

01.07.2021 01:31

Hello Brian:
Worship services are every Sunday start at 11 a.m. with masks being optional. We hope you can join us for our special 4th of July service, with banana splits following the service.

Charles Hightower

28.09.2020 20:58

Thanks for letting us know about the effort Cathy and Gary put in for the DCCC Restoration Project. The Church looks better than it did when we first attended back in 2007! Congrats volunteers too!

Charles Hightower

16.09.2020 16:59

Sheri and I saw Laurel and others working on the Church several weeks ago on our visit to our cabin. We are thankful so many people volunteer their time to take care of the Church.

Laurel L Snodgrass

17.09.2020 15:51

Hi Charles: The work is being led by Cathy and Gary Hackbart. They have been working on it for months and it is a massive volunteer effort. Thanks go to Cathy and Gary for their amazing commitment.

Kathy Thomas-Parsley

23.08.2020 12:02

Thank you Pastor Steve for your weekly messages. We appreciate you!


09.07.2020 22:54

Thank you to the DCCC Leadership and Pastor Steve for keeping us connected during these strange and trying times. God bless you and keep you safe.

Charles Hightower

29.06.2020 18:47

Since check was returned I sent June giving amount to Church via PayPal as noted at top of newsletter.


30.06.2020 01:23

Hello Charles:
Your donation through PayPal was received. Thank You! The mailing address for the church is:
Duck Creek Community Church, HC 82 Box 1017, Duck Creek Village, UT 84762


21.06.2020 15:02

Thank you, Charles. Will look into this and ask to correct the link.

Charles Hightower

21.06.2020 00:19

Did you know the new DC Business Association website DCCC listing takes you to True Value Hardware website?

Hal Sperber

15.06.2020 00:43

I pray for pastor Baden and his recovery, and pray that the church will be open soon

Chris A Hodge

07.06.2020 03:09

Now that.many businesses are reopening, what's the word for DCCC? Anything.on the horizon? Looking forward to fellowshipping once again.

Laurel, Worship Leader

08.06.2020 14:35

Hello Chris:
Thank you for asking DCCC. Our pastor is currently self-quarantined for upcoming surgery. We do not have a date for opening at this time.

Ms. Alexzander Simonis

10.05.2020 00:38


Bob & Salli Shackleford

05.04.2020 16:23

Thank you to Pastor Steve for his words of faith and comfort. Thanks also to our church leadership for using their talents to bring these inspiring messages to us during this time of need.


31.03.2020 14:46

Thank you Pastor Steve for your uplifting message!

Latest comments

18.07 | 23:18

Thank you, Sharon! See you soon!

18.07 | 22:38

I will bring a crab salad for the picnic

01.06 | 23:26

Pastor Baden’s Memorial Day sermon was one of the best sermons I’ve heard in my entire life! Wish I was there to hear it. I hope those who were there appreciate his message. God Bless Pastor Baden.

27.02 | 14:13

Hi Chris: Church doors are open and we are holding in-person services every Sunday 11-noon with Fellowship following services. We look forward to seeing you soon!