Please click "play" arrow to hear excerpts from the songs and a bit of Pastor Steve's closing prayer from 8/4.
DCCC Misions Leaders Cathy Hackbart and Carol Gagliardi held the second of three lunches to raise money for missions projects that include helping needy families and children. August 28 was the Aloha lunch featuring a Hawaiian feast that church attendees suooorted through cash donations. The final third lunch was held September 25 and featured Italian side dishes and desserts with spaghetti as the main course. Nearly $3,000 has been raised to support Missions work through the hard work of Cathy and Carol and the many church attendees who attended and supported the two events. Please enjoy the photos shown below of these lunches and join us on Sunday for a wonderful uplifting sermon. Church services are broadcast live on Sundays at 11 a.m. on 94.3 FM radio so please joins us if you can pick up the station in your area. See the Online Sermons page for audios of messages covering the last month.
Latest comments
18.07 | 23:18
Thank you, Sharon! See you soon!
18.07 | 22:38
I will bring a crab salad for the picnic
01.06 | 23:26
Pastor Baden’s Memorial Day sermon was one of the best sermons I’ve heard in my entire life! Wish I was there to hear it. I hope those who were there appreciate his message. God Bless Pastor Baden.
27.02 | 14:13
Hi Chris: Church doors are open and we are holding in-person services every Sunday 11-noon with Fellowship following services. We look forward to seeing you soon!
Donations to the church may be sent in the form of personal checks or online through Paypal at the link in red below. Please make checks payable to DCCC and mail via United States Postal Service to: HC 82 Box 1017 Duck Creek Village UT 84762-8200. To donate through Paypal, simply click on the link below or paste it into your web browser should you wish to give to DCCC: