The little church in the meadow in

Duck Creek Village, Utah.

Service cancelled November 3

due to hazardous weather on the summit


Western-themed fun, food, & fellowship

on October 13 honoring Pastor Steve

Snaphots of the cast of characters on October 13


Supporting community needs.

DCCC Alms raised $1200 through hosting a Hawaiian-themed lunch held on August 11, 2024, in the Fellowship Hall. Church members contributed various dishes, appetizers, and desserts. No one walked away hungry! Church goers donated $20 per person to enjoy this fabulous lunch. All monies raised help to support this year's projects benefitting seniors, families, and various worthwhile community charitable endeavors. The Alms project is led by DCCC Board member Cathy Riley and DCCC member and Sunday School Leader Pam Bugbee.

Please click "play" arrow to watch Stix.

DCCC is surrounded by snow!
Heavy snowfall followed by thaws have presented many challenges to keeping the church open this year.
Keeping church driveways open is full-time job!
Mike Kenner has done an amazing job plowing the heavy and high levels of snow at DCCC!
Shoveling the ramp to the church office is a  challenge
Shoveling the ramp to the church office is a challenge
The church sign is buried-so much snow!
The church sign is buried-so much snow!

Latest comments

18.07 | 23:18

Thank you, Sharon! See you soon!

18.07 | 22:38

I will bring a crab salad for the picnic

01.06 | 23:26

Pastor Baden’s Memorial Day sermon was one of the best sermons I’ve heard in my entire life! Wish I was there to hear it. I hope those who were there appreciate his message. God Bless Pastor Baden.

27.02 | 14:13

Hi Chris: Church doors are open and we are holding in-person services every Sunday 11-noon with Fellowship following services. We look forward to seeing you soon!